2025 Partnership Tiers (Members-Only)
$ 10,000
Year-Long Visibility and Benefits
- Enhanced company listing in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý's Intermodal Marketplace
- Company logo linked to website, displayed in a rotating carousel on all intermodal.org webpages
- Company logo displayed on the partner page on intermodal.org
- Recognition on LinkedIn and Twitter
- Receive a copy of ÐÔÊӽ紫ý's Social Media Toolkit
- 3 Complimentary ads in Intermodal Connections
- Select two complimentary Digital Sponsorship Opportunities
Business Meeting Benefits
- Company logo in the Business Meeting walk-in slide show
- Company logo on event signage near registration
- Partner acknowledgment on company attendee name badges
Intermodal EXPO Benefits
- 4 complimentary full EXPO registrations
- Priority selection of booth space for the Intermodal EXPO
- Exclusive access to private meeting rooms and suites; first-come, first-served reservation for additional $1,500, limited availability
- Company logo in the EXPO General Sessions’ walk-in slide show
- Company logo on or near the entrance to the EXPO exhibit hall and EXPO hotels
- Partner acknowledgment on company attendee name badges
- Receive a list of attendees prior to and following EXPO
- Company logo with link on the EXPO conference app
$ 8,500
Year-Long Visibility and Benefits
- Enhanced company listing in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý's Intermodal Marketplace
- Company logo linked to website, displayed in a rotating carousel on all intermodal.org webpages
- Company logo displayed on the partner page on intermodal.org
- Recognition on LinkedIn and Twitter
- Receive a copy of ÐÔÊӽ紫ý's Social Media Toolkit
- 2 Complimentary ads in Intermodal Connections
- Select one complimentary Digital Sponsorship Opportunity
Business Meeting Benefits
- Company logo in the Business Meeting walk-in slide show
- Company logo on event signage near registration
- Partner acknowledgment on company attendee name badges
Intermodal EXPO Benefits
- 3 complimentary full EXPO registrations
- Priority selection of booth space for the Intermodal EXPO
- Company logo in the EXPO General Session's walk-in slide show
- Company logo on or near the entrance to the EXPO exhibit hall
- Partner acknowledgment on company attendee name badges
- Receive a list of attendees prior to and following EXPO
- Company logo with link on the EXPO conference app
$ 5,500
Year-Long Visibility and Benefits
- Company logo displayed on the partner page on intermodal.org
- Recognition on LinkedIn and Twitter
- One Complimentary ad in Intermodal Connections
Business Meeting Benefits
- There are no Business Meeting benefits associated with this tier; consider exploring instead!
Intermodal EXPO Benefits
- Company logo on or near the entrance to the EXPO exhibit hall
- Partner acknowledgment on company attendee name badges
- Company logo with link on the EXPO conference app
$ 2,500
Year-Long Visibility and Benefits
- Company name displayed on the partner page on intermodal.org
- Recognition on LinkedIn and Twitter
Business Meeting Benefits
- There are no Business Meeting benefits associated with this tier; consider exploring instead!
Intermodal EXPO Benefits
- Company name on or near the entrance to the exhibit hall
- Partner acknowledgment on company attendee name badges
- Company name in the EXPO conference app
Please note that all partner benefits are non-transferable. Member companies cannot convey nor use benefits to recognize any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or owned entities. All associated benefits are provided singularly for the use of the official ÐÔÊӽ紫ý member company.